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tv   KRON 4 News at 4  KRON  November 19, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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live this is kron 4 news @ 4:00. our big story at 4:00 a statewide stain on sex offenders has resulted in hundreds of arrest this week including who police say were violating their parole. christine conley walks through the arrest and violations down the bay area. >> agents to the surprise visit on approach sex offender in the bay area. this week the california parole apprehension teams fanned out across the bay area over 1800 parole sex offender who lived here are in compliance. checking to see where they live with the registered and steering clear of children and not tamper with gps bracelet's among other things. was all part of a statewide campaign
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called operation safe playgrounds. agents did 524 pro searches and our area like you see here. looking through homes even checking crawlspaces. the check cars, computers and phones as well. from this video they did make some arrest in the bay area here's a look at the number of arrests for region to which covers the bay area and at the county's high lighted on the snap. 167 and sex offenders were arrested in this region the agents also found time parolees were at large. the board possession of child pornography and 17 weapons were discovered among other violations. i'm christine conley kron 4 news. san pablo was one of the neighborhoods were several arrests were made here's what president had to say. >> there's a lot of kids around here, throughout the whole day different kids of kids out here. if it's crazy because we have the center right around here so there's
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a lot of kids who go to the park and a lot of adults go there to use the computers. it's that the here and kind of worried. all my brothers and sisters road here by themselves. >> when the crackdown started 960 broke sex offenders statewide had lost contact with their parole agents and were considered and fugitives. >> 7 suspects are charged in the case the nurse who performed the sexual assault examination told the court room what the teenagers said when asked if she was forced to drink alcohol that night. kate thompson will have more at 5:00 on the testimony when the defense wants the team statement excluded from the case. >> we have wintry weather headed for the bay area this weekend cloudy skies and pleas for today light rain
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and drizzle around the bay area and the first chance of rain from storm number one coming up for this weekend. beginning to shop on storm tracker 4 here in the north bay just to the north of santa rosa. this is light to moderate rain currently between santa rosa and clover dale and it's moving to the south for tonight i will make its way through the bay area and behind his initial bid of rain in some very cold air. there's an air mass coming in from alaska it's going to make for some very cold temperatures and snow levels dropping both tonight and tomorrow night. it could have snow levels in the bay area by sunday morning down to about 2,000 ft.. a lot of cold air here so this is the first coming through tonight. this will produce light rain the second system to the civic northwest is doing for tomorrow night. it could bring periods of heavy rain so again light rain tonight and a break for tomorrow morning some scattered showers and then the rate increases for tomorrow afternoon with a
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chance for some thunderstorms as well. we have on unstable air headed into the bay area and look for steadier heavier rain tomorrow night with a chance for thunderstorms and skill levels possibly down to 2,000 ft. along with gusty winds that can get up to 40 mi. an hour. a stormy weekend is on the way election know more about a coming up later on. >> today's the first day of meetings giving 11 they travel. . a few folks are already starting to make their way this is what happens this time of year we always expect the week before the skidding to be very busy with travelers. officials at san francisco international airport are preparing for the holiday travel rush the project that 4 percent more travelers will pass through sfo this year compared to last at total of 1.2 4 million passengers are expected between now and november the 29th which is the monday after a thanksgiving. the trouble they will this be
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this monday the 22nd when 123,000 travelers are expected at the airport. sfo spokesperson joins us now on the phone you're gearing up for monday i always thought the day before the skidding was the busiest travel day? >> for many years it was one of the school is expanding from four days to a full week vacation families are leaving the friday and saturday before. >> honey prepare not yet more days for more travelers? >> to cut it spreads out the travelers and makes it easier in that way but were fully staffed year-end the air waves are ready treated >> what's this latest controversy about the pad down as a body scanners right now. >> that's a tea estate issue they've been working on not to try to assure the security of everyone traveling and hopefully these things will work themselves out. >> that is assaulting terms
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of getting people moving through the airport? >> were working with them to make sure the keep the lines moving it should be a big hassle for anyone. >> your keeping an optimistic view on all of this. the bring in extra staff this time of year? >> yes, we'll bring in a lecture and bought everyone works. were already to go so it's going be added in busy but as low as to whether or operates everyone should get to where they need to go. >> all rights thank-you the holiday travel season is upon us. new security procedures at the airports have caused quite a controversy kron 4 legal expert ivan gold spoke about the body scanner and pat downs and whether they are legitimate grounds for lawsuit >>. >> it's about safety at the airport it's about speed and safety and adequate security it's a balancing test safety versus fourth amendment privacy right to
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intrusion. it's not you don't have to fly if you don't like the scanners you like the body searches don't fly but the point is if they go for the line if they do pad down search of one of those guys really goes over the line and the action might have a case. also there should be supervision have a supervisor over sing this pat downs to make sure nothing inappropriate happens but mistakes will happen lawsuits will be filed, lawyers will be lawyers people will be people but again let's look at the big picture of the safety of everyone at the airport to verses the individual's right to privacy i submit this date did the airport is the most important. >> meanwhile some people who are against the new procedures have called for a boycott of the pat downs to slow airports during this holiday season. a live look at cited traffic on this friday this is our walnut creek camera the 680, 24 split you can see the headlights' are northbound but the commute is low in all directions there. we'll
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be back much more news ahead.
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stock prices edged higher to close of the week the dow gained 22 points and the nasdaq added 0.4 points and rob black is here to talk was about when you're taking from today's numbers? >> i'm going to give a little friday action and say we had a good week. yesterday was glorious, tuesday was terrific. last week we come to started to but we decided let's look at earnings and other things some of the things that scared us. we flip-flop dahlin and were comfortable with, today was the fear of china inflation and china's slowing down we kind of put it in a box we raise our dividend sales reported great earnings so we went with that. today rock scissors paper trump to china. what can happen on monday i don't know. >> here's a local company that not everybody knows
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about sales and they're doing great >> what's >happening? >> computers are no longer desktop services it's now on line service on seven going out and buying up pieces of for putting on everyone's computer let's say we as adobe illustrator lot to make graphics like this which you can do is put it on line and license it that way there for you don't have to put it in your own office or have it tech guy like we have here to be able to save money by putting it on line trotted and sales is the biggest company at this. >> the jews say the sales surged 18%? >> the stock surged. gm
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stock kind of slipping back down but not a surprise. >> g.m. still stinks is the bottom line here. after coming out of bankruptcy there paying talk a lot of government debt they still have a lot of debt to, i'd rather own toyota motor as an investor. gm still has problems but it could go away quickly. cisco's buy back $10 million of its own share. john chambers has at southern draw going on he's said i'm going to buy back $10 billion of my own shares because there's value. i love when companies do beat buy back some all for it. >> you're making chamber sound like bill clinton. >> stay with us rubble back will answer some e-mail's stay with us will be back after this break.
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here we are in oakland
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airport and it's a wet seal their the windshield wipers are going tonight we have wet weather coming in not only for tonight but much of the weekend. here is storm tracker 4, even though there is light rain and drizzle around much of the bay area tonight the heaviest of it is to the north of the bay area between ukiah and santa rosa. this is storm one of two primary systems coming in for this weekend. future cast a showing at 6:00 p.m. tonight so that made light rain here at 6:00 p.m. will be right over the bay area around san francisco, oakland and san rafael and much push to the south as we go through the evening. by 9 to 10:00 toward midnight the study is re will be shifting toward the south bay and east bay with things begin to improve for the north bay. that's the way will stay through the overnight hours and into tomorrow morning were getting a break around 8:00 a.m. with really dry conditions here perhaps even a few bricks of sunshine tomorrow morning.
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watch the parade began to increase through the daytime hours tomorrow for the north bay. store number 2 is stronger and it is colder and it's going to bring in cool temperatures for sunday night and produce the rain for saturday evening. by 9:00 p.m. saturday night it we have the grain moving through the bay area, then for sunday in the morning of potential exists for snow levels down to about 2,000 ft.. in terms of how much right to expect, not a lot of rain about an inch and a spots around the bay with perhaps one to 2 in. for the higher elevations. the big story with this system is much cooler weather for tonight. lows will be in the '40's everywhere around the bay area with possibly some 30's into the north bay valleys as high only into the low to mid 50's for tomorrow with the possibility for thunderstorms as well. your 7 day around the bay,
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saturday night the heaviest rain expected, showers continue for sunday with the possibility for snow and the higher elevations more showers expected monday and tuesday things finally improving toward the end of the week but thanksgiving. >> a small group of protesters is demanding that the alameda county district attorney dropped charges against those people who are arrested the night former bart police officer johannes mehserle was sentenced in the murder of on our passenger oscar grant. as you recall the was a big rally that evening. if lynn joins us from the rally tonight and those who want those charges dropped >> about 20 of those protesters are rallying in front of the alameda county courthouse or standing at the corner of oak street and 12th street you been to the protesters talking right now they're listening to speakers basically the protesters are asking and demanding the alameda county d.a. it see o'malley to drop all charges against 152
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protesters were arrested on the evening of november the fifth after a judge sentenced johannes mehserle to two years in prison for killing oscar grant. if you remember those protesters were marching to the fruit still bart station in oakland and that's when police officers arrested them on sixth avenue between the 17th and 18th street. most of the many were arrested for on lawful assembly. all show you a letter that the protesters this is the letter they plan to hand to nancy all malate demanding or to drop all charges against the 152 protesters. standing next to me here is rachel jackson she is one of the organizers rachel talked less about what basis the what reason are you guys asking nancy o'malley to drop these charges? >> were asking for a couple of reasons. it one of the pretax staff was not true. initially as you may have
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heard the police chief came out and said that protesters attempted to take a fire arm from a police officer and we know that that didn't happen. the claims of injuries to officers that seem to beat it sounded like it was a handful of protesters in fact the officer that was hit by car was hit by a law enforcement vehicle and the officer was dehydrated. first of all the pretext for the arrest was false. secondly, the idea that protesters were given an opportunity to disperse and refused is simply not true. the protesters were locked in on sixth avenue which means 17th and 18th street and were told that it was on lawful assembly at the same time that we were surrounded and not given an opportunity to lead. there is no opportunity for protesters to disperse. >> i and our stand that you
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guys feel like a was a violation of protesters over rights because they were marching? >> absolutely and were very concerned about the amount of force and numbers of officers and the types of equipment that they had the officers have lethal weapons, nonlethal weapons, helicopters everything else and that's scary. people don't want to protest in the face of that. >> thank you rich although the rally in here for another hour or so and so far it's been very peaceful there happens to be police officers parking about half a block away is watching over the event but it's been a very peaceful that carried live in oakland dollar and kron 4 news jury >> a live look at side traffic on this weekend and the rain is certainly not happen traffic along the top of your screen on 80 headed toward the east bound at lower deck of the bay bridge is at a standstill. the bottom of your screen southbound 1 01 traffic those of the headlights' you
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see there and they're also looking quite slowly. will be back rob black has more.
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new details more and more people are missing the clipper card cheat on affairs of public transportation but, where it has no plans to fix the problem. bart said the problem is minor and of the 350,000 daily trips only about 200 are taking advantage of the clipper glitch. we'll be right back.
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or hibachi chicken with all the trimmings! includes a salad and a fountain drink, all for an amazing $7.99!! that's sizzler! life in the bay area's new station this is kron 4 news @ 433 at 4:30 p.m. were talking about the rain, wind and even some snow that's underway right now not to battle cry and >> know we have a little bit of rain right now that's what storm tracker for a showing but this week and things getting really really, really cool and possibly still weak to carry it >> right how we have t